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Figure This!

Quick Answer:Their weights are:

2 pounds
3 pounds
4 pounds


Complete Solution:

There are many ways to solve this problem.

Stategy #1:

Add the weights on all 3 scales, so,




18 pounds

This means that:




9 pounds

But from Scale #2 we know that:

 +  = 7 pounds

So subtract and find:

 = 2 pounds

Since the little fish weighs 2 pounds,
and we know from Scale #3 that:

 +  = 5 pounds


 = 3 pounds

Also, from Scale #1,

 +  =  6 pounds


= 4 pounds


Stategy #2:

If you put the fish with weights 6 and 7 together on the scales, then




13 pounds

But we know from Scale #3,

 +  = 5 pounds

Subtract and find,

 +  =  8 pounds


= 4 pounds


Strategy #3
Consider the weights in the two balloons showing 6 and 7. The weights differ by one pound and the big fish is on both scales, so the medium fish weighs 1 pound more than the little fish. The third scale shows that the combined weights of the little fish and medium fish is 5 pounds. Since the medium fish weighs 1 pound more than the little fish, the little fish must weigh 2 pounds and the medium fish 3 pounds.



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